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    Personal Injury


    Recovery For Negligent Highway Construction & Liquor Liability

    A twenty-one-year-old young woman was seriously injured in a car accident in Philadelphia caused by a drunk driver and the Roxy club located in Philadelphia that over-served him alcohol. In the hours leading up to the accident, the drunk driver drank numerous alcoholic drinks at a Philadelphia club.

    The bartenders at the club continued to serve him alcohol even though he was extremely and visibly intoxicated. After the accident, the drunk driver’s blood alcohol content tested at 0.233%, nearly three times the legal limit for driving. The accident took place in a construction zone and further investigation by the attorneys at Marciano & MacAvoy also revealed that the contractor responsible for the construction had negligently set up the traffic control pattern. Prior to trial, Kevin R. Marciano, Esquire and Patrick D. MacAvoy, Esquire of Marciano & MacAvoy successfully settled the case against all defendants for a total of $271,000.

    Contact Marciano & MacAvoy, P.C. at (215) 515-7743 to schedule a free consultation.

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