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    Personal Injury


    Drunk Driving and Illegal Service of Alcohol to Visibly Intoxicated Patron

    A twenty-one-year-old young woman was tragically killed in a car accident in Philadelphia caused by an underage drunk driver and the multiple bars, Kenny’s Bar and Restaurant and Paddywacks, located in Philadelphia, that over-served her alcohol. In the hours leading up to the accident, the underage drunk driver drank numerous alcoholic beverages at both of the defendant bars to the point that she was visibly intoxicated. Despite her visible intoxication, and despite her being a underage, both bars not only allowed her to gain entry to their bars and but also continued to serve her excessive amounts of alcohol. At the time of the accident, the drunk driver’s blood alcohol content (BAC) was 0.212%, more than two-and-a-half times the legal limit. Prior to trial the attorneys at Marciano & MacAvoy successfully settled the case for $2,000,000 on behalf of the young woman’s family and her estate.

    Contact Marciano & MacAvoy, P.C. at (215) 515-7743 to schedule a free consultation.

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